Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 ("High Altitude Warfare Experimental") is the second version of flight simulator developed by Ubisoft Romania available for PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii. During the action, the pilot has available several new features over the previous version: night vision to conduct attacks in stealth mode, anti-radar pod that distracts an opponent and prevent him from attacking, the ERS (Enhanced Reality System), which traces a route through virtual dangerous traits in a safer manner. It can also make new flight procedures such as takeoffs and landings from marine platforms and aircraft carriers, air refueling, using bombs and missiles and precision guided. Several missions also provide support to allied units, land, sea and sky. The game has different views: in the first and third person view cabin (with realistic instrumentation), battle-mode plane (third-person view on the battlefield). The pilot data are maintained during all phases of the game, statistics, performance, and can present experience, as well as upgrades and aircraft unlocked (PEC rewards - Persistent Elite Creation). The satellite information, aerial and geospatial data in the game are provided by GeoEye.
The performance of Sonic Platinum are, in this case, slightly lower than the GeForce GTX 560 Ti, but in any case the frames are generated very fast.